How to manage distribution queue priorities

You have the possibility of customizing the distribution priority of the distribution queues of your switchboard. This makes it possible to regulate the calls and to “classify” the lines to be picked up in priority.

Customizing the priority of your distribution queues allows you to define precise distribution rules and thus limit the waiting time of your correspondents.

The order of priority for receiving calls is quoted from 1 to 10.

Users with priority 1 receive calls first. If there are no priority 1 agents available, the system sends the call to priority 2 users, and so on up to 10.

Depending on the priorities set, some agents may never receive calls if agents with a previous priority are available.
This method makes it possible to effectively regulate calls according to the skills of the agents or to manage overflows.

How do I change the priority of my users ?

When creating a distribution queue, you have a part reserved for assigning users.

Files affectations

After dragging the user to the left panel, the priority can be changed by clicking on the number :

Files priorite

Simply select the priority to assign and then save your changes.

How do I change my priority ?

In the “Home” > “Manage my priority” menu, you have access to your priority by distribution queue.
NB : This menu is subject to an access right. If you do not see this menu, please contact your manager.

Gestion priorites

You can either change your priority file by file by dragging the slider, or change your priority in bulk using the action button at the bottom of the page.

Priority management is reserved for administrators of the web2contact account.
For another user to access this functionality, you must activate the "Access the Manage my priority module" right in the "Rights" tab of the "User management" menu.

For any questions, contact support.