How to create and set up a call distribution queue

What is a distribution queue ?

A distribution queue allows one or more calls to be kept on hold while the system contacts an available user to handle the call.

Waiting can be done with or without music. The distribution queues allow you to have a precise follow-up of the number of calls presented, the average response times of the agents, as well as the average waiting time of your users before having an interlocutor. A distribution queue is therefore a routing system that distributes incoming calls according to the availability and priority of agents and the chosen distribution mode.

Access to the “Distribution Queues” menu is reserved for administrators of the web2contact account. For a user to access this functionality, you must activate the "Access the Distribution Queues module" right in the "Rights" tab of the "User management" menu.

Create a distribution queue

To create a distribution queue, go to the "Settings" > "Distribution queues" menu and click on Addfile

In the distribution queue, you will be able to choose:

  • the call distribution method: each in turn, random, etc.;
  • music on hold;
  • the different waiting times;
  • enabling call recordings;
  • user assignment.

Click on "Add a distribution queue" to create a new queue

Filedistrib parametrages

Other available settings

  • Name of the queue

The name of the distribution queue allows to identify the queue in the selections, menus and statistical reports. (ex. Doctor's phone reception, Sales department, Support service...)

  • Distribution mode

The distribution mode allows to choose how calls will be distributed on the different user stations.
Several modes are available. The classical one for call distribution on a tele-advisors team, or telemarketers, is the "one at a time" mode.

This mode is best to distribute calls as fast as possible, while respecting a fair distribution between the different agents available.

  • Musique on hold

This drop-down list allows to choose the musique played to callers while they are on hold.
The file's name matches the mp3 files that were added to the "Sounds & Musics"module (see how to import a sound).

  • Waiting time 1

This time is the maximum amount of time during which a call stays on hold in the queue if all agents are already online, that is to say their status is "Unready" (administrative reasons, break..)

  • Waiting time 2

If all your agents are "Unavailable" (Disconnected), there is no need to keep the call on hold that long. This second waiting time allows to define an amount of time way shorter during which a call stays on hold in the queue when no user is connected to the system (Unavailable status)

  • Recording

This box allows to activate or to deactivate the recording of calls from the distribution queue, recordings are then available in the "Recordings" module.

  • Users assigned / Unassigned

Allows to choose amongs your users those who will receive calls from this distribution queue when they are ready.
To assign a user to the queue, drag the unassigned user to the left side of "Users assigned to the queue".

Once you are done setting up your distribution queue, don't forget to click on "Save and leave".

For any questions, contact the Support.