How to customize the waiting time for an incoming call

You have the possibility to customize the waiting time for an incoming call differently for each number in your web2contact application.

In fact, each number first goes through a call scenario, then through a distribution queue. These two actions will define the stages through which the interlocutors will pass.

While waiting on a distribution queue, music or sound can be played to the caller. This sound will be interrupted as soon as an agent takes the call, unlike pre-answered messages which are played systematically and in full.
(cf: How to set up a pre-answered message)

Set waiting time

The waiting time is configured at the level of the distribution queue.
In the menu “Settings” > “Distribution queues”, you choose the sound on hold.

Select musique

The hold sound is an mp3 file to be selected from a drop-down list.

You can upload other mp3 files via the “Settings” > “Sounds & music” menu. Please note: files are limited to 5 MB and in mp3 format.

  • Waiting music :

The mp3s can contain a musical extract. In this case, we recommend that you be vigilant about the copyrights of the music.
To avoid taking any risks, you can use copyright-free music.

  • Waiting with broadcast message :

The waiting sound can also take the form of a recorded voice broadcasting an information message: this can be on documents or references to be prepared, for example.

Regarding the recorded message, we can do it for you with a synthetic voice. All you have to do is send us the text via the support email.

Memo: As long as all your agents are online,
the distribution queue queue sound will be played in a loop.
It will be interrupted either by an agent picking up the line, or by the end of the time defined by you.
In the latter case, the call will follow the next step of the call script.


For any questions, contact support.