How to record calls

By default, calls are not recorded.
Call recording is an available feature that can be activated at any time.

The recording can concern incoming calls and/or outgoing calls.

How to activate call recording ?

Record outbound calls from a prospecting campaign

In the advanced settings of your prospecting campaign, check the "registration" box. This section allows you to activate or not the recording of all the calls of the campaign.

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Record incoming calls from a distribution queue

Dans les paramétrages de la file de distribution, cochez la case  "enregistrement". Cette rubrique vous permet d'activer ou non l'enregistrement de tous les appels de la file sélectionnée.

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Record calls from a specific agent

In the rights management of your user, activate the right "Record this user's calls" in the User management section. All calls made by this user will be recorded.

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Duration of retention of recordings

Call recordings are kept for 3 months; they are then deleted automatically.
You also have the option to clear them manually.

As an indication, the CNIL specifies that, except in special cases, the recordings can be kept for a maximum of 6 months.


For any questions, contact support.