Process emails and tickets

Web2contact includes a ticket management module. Here's what you need to know to process tickets.

Understanding the ticket campaigns menu

The ticket campaigns to which you have access are available in the “Home” > “Use campaigns” menu.

Tk explorer


Icon Camp play  lets you start ticket management

Icon  Camp  allows you to create a new ticket in the campaign

Icon Camp oeil allows you to display the list of tickets to be processed

Icon  Camp burger  gives you access to the ticket campaign administration menus if you have the appropriate rights


Statut  The ticket campaign priority tag is your processing priority set by your manager (1 is highest priority, 10 is lowest)

In progress is one of the statuses available on ticket campaigns. Other statuses exist:
- Scheduled when a ticket campaign is time-limited
- Expired if the end date has passed

Ticket status

Ticket status tracking is shown in real time :

Menu ticket

In this example, out of the 12,000 tickets in the campaign :

  • 11992 are declared closed - they will therefore no longer be offered
    3 are to be processed - these are unopened tickets
    5 are on hold - these are tickets that have already been contacted and are on hold


Alert dots

The encrypted dot on the icon of a ticket campaign tells you

  • the number of newly arrived tickets that have not yet been processed
  • outdated alerts that need to be addressed.

To know more : How to manage alerts ?


Start processing tickets

To start working on tickets, click on the title of the ticket campaign you want to work on.

Ticket campaigns have 3 menus :

Tk traitement

  • Process tickets to start processing tickets in workflow mode
  • Create ticket to add a new ticket to the file
  • Explore tickets to view all tickets in the campaign

To correctly process the file, you must choose “Process tickets”. The tickets to be processed will automatically open according to the alert and processing priorities.

Traitement ticket



Qualification script

Menu qualif

If your manager has integrated a qualification script into your ticket campaign, you will find it in the “Qualification” tab.


Rule a ticket

After processing the ticket, you will have to decide on it to move on to the next one. In the "Select a status" menu, several closing choices are available to you.

Statuts tickets

The hold status will allow the ticket to be resubmitted later.

After selecting your choice, you can either :

  • validate and continue = go to the next ticket
  • validate and exit = return to the ticket campaign menu

Schedule an alert

The button Group 84  allows you to schedule an alert to postpone the ticket to a later date different from the default setting.

All you have to do is choose the date and time, then validate.

When the ticket is represented at the time of the alert, an information banner will remind you of the programming taken :

Group 110

Assign ticket

  • Assign me a ticket

In the menu  Camp burger   form, you can assign yourself a form. Other agents will not be able to open it.

Affect ticket


  • Assign a ticket to another user

In the menu  Camp burger   ticket, you can assign a ticket to one of your colleagues and enter a comment. Other agents will not be able to open it.
Affect user

To know more : How to assign a ticket




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