Make an outgoing call via a telephone prospecting campaign
As soon as the number to be displayed has been set up, and you have created and set up a telephone prospecting campaign, agents will be able to connect to web2contact and start prospecting.
When agents log in to the web2contact tool, they only see the campaigns they have access to in the campaign drill-down.

To start prospecting, the agent must click on the icon of the campaign on which he wishes to work. Depending on his access rights, he can see 3 actions:
- Process the files,
- Create a sheet,
- Explore the files.

To correctly process the file, you must choose “Process files”. The contact sheets will open automatically.
- Or you have opted for the preview mode, which is the default processing. In this case, when an agent is available, a file opens and it is up to him to click on the phone icon to initiate the call. This mode allows the agent to read the file before making the call.
- Or you have opted to activate automatic dialing and automatic hanging up, which are used together in the advanced settings of your campaign. This is the progressive mode. In this case, the system automatically dials the number when the form opens.