We have seen how to access information through the page How to retrieve incoming call statistics; Now let's see in detail what the different data available correspond to.
Distribution Queue Statistics
The statistics available relate to calls that have been sent to a distribution queue.
All the actions implemented in the call scenario before the distribution queue are not included in the calculation of call statistics.
Standard indicators
When dealing with incoming calls for a switchboard or customer service, the main indicators to be aware of are:
calls presented = calls sent to the distribution queue
calls answered = calls picked up by a user
abandoned calls = calls hung up by callers
calls handled out of queue / calls overflowed = calls that changed distribution queue if the first one did not pick up.
Detailed indicators
Quality of service indicators are available to show that call flow processing is in line with the objectives you have set.
Calls taken in less than 20 seconds = calls answered in less than 20 seconds by users over the selected period
Calls answered in more than 20 seconds = calls answered in more than 20 seconds by users over the selected period
Average call duration = average time of a telephone conversation compared to all calls handled over the selected period
Max. call duration = longest telephone conversation duration compared to all calls handled over the selected period
Total call duration = total conversation time of all calls handled over the selected period
Average waiting time before answering = average waiting time before picking up compared to all calls handled over the selected period
Max. waiting time before answering = longest waiting time before picking up compared to all calls handled over the selected period
Organize the work of your teams according to call flows
The interest of call statistics is to be able to have factual elements for:
be able to report on the work done by the teams,
schedule employees in the most productive periods,
enhance the company's know-how (e.g. good rate of call handling for a call center, etc.).