How to listen to an ongoing call

What is Dual Listening ?

Double listening involves listening in real time to a telephone conversation between a customer and an agent. It allows you to effectively train your new agents or assess the performance of your teams.

How to administer double listening

In the “Domain management” menu > “Users management” > “Dual Listening” tab of a user profile, the manager of a team can manage the dual listening rights of his agents.

By clicking on the radio buttons, he can decide to :

  • who the user can listen to
  • who can listen to the user

To be able to modify dual listening access, you must be responsible for the user.
To be responsible for a user, you must be their team manager.

If necessary, consult the doc : How to create a team

Double listening on the user side

So that a user can listen to another, they must go to “My Profile” > “Dual listening” tab. He will be able to view the users he can listen to and the users who can listen to him.

A padlock next to the user's name indicates that you are not responsible for this user and therefore cannot modify dual listening access. This is why the radio buttons will not be clickable.

To start dual listening, the user just needs to click on the “phone” icon. The call then opens automatically in the webphone

Double listening on the supervisory side

Your team managers can access dual listening :

  • either through the “Double listening” tab in “My profile” as a user,
  • either through the real-time monitoring panel via the “Reports and statistics” > “Real-time monitoring” menu.

To be able to administer dual listening, 3 rights must be activated :

  • the right to “Show Reports and Statistics menu” in Reports and Statistics;
  • the right to “Show real-time monitoring menu” in reports and statistics;
  • the right to “Authorize double listening” in real time.

If necessary, go to the 'How to modify a user's rights' page.

And of course, you have to be responsible for the user team.

How to activate dual monitoring ?

To listen to a user, open the real-time monitoring in the "Reports and statistics" menu.

The "dual monitoring" icon is represented by a telephone : Phone speaker 24.

To activate dual listening, simply click on the icon.

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The system does not deliver any message or signal to the listened-in user to indicate to him that double listening is in progress.

To stop dual listening, just click on "Hang up".

For any questions, contact support.