How to assign my call script to a telephone prospecting campaign

Once you are done building your script, you just have to add it to the campaign it belongs to.

NB/ Each campaign can have a different script.

Campaign side assignment

To do this, go to the "Home" menu > "Use campaigns" then "Modify the campaign" to which you want to associate a script.

In the "Normal" tab, select the script you want to associate with your campaign from the available scripts. Then select the version you want to use.

Affectation cote camp

Script side assignment

In the "Settings" > "Manage questionnaires" menu, I know if my script is assigned to a campaign when in the "Use" column, the tag "In production" appears.
I can click the icon Oeil icone to see the list of campaigns the script is associated with.

Quest liste

To modify the assignments, simply modify the script with the icon Pencil  and toggle the campaigns to assign or unassign

Affectation onglet

How to find my script in my campaign

When you start processing the files, your script will be present in the “Qualification” tab

For any questions, contact the support.