How to redirect my calls to my mobile

In some cases, your users may not be able to use the webphone.
For example, when teleworking, it may happen that the user encounters a problem with their internet connection or their headset microphone and cannot use the webphone.

In this case, the user can configure their account to use their mobile line or landline instead of the webphone to receive or make calls and continue their teleprospecting or telephone reception activity.

Add receipt number

The first step is to add the phone number to which calls will be sent to the user profile.

To perform this operation, the user will open the “My Profile” menu at the top right of the screen.

In the "Information" tab, in the "Office phone" field, simply enter the desired mobile or landline number and then save the changes.

New pofil user

Selecting the new line

Once you have added the phone number to call and be called, you need to select it (PSTN) from the webphone drop-down list (in international format).

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