How to block the sheets in a prospecting file

You may need to block records in a campaign in order to contact a selection of prospects according to a particular criterion.

Let’s take the example of selling women’s cosmetics.
Rather than asking your agents to pass the files presenting a male prospect, you can block the files you do not wish to contact.

Block do not contact records

To do this, go to “Explore files” Oeil icone

The search filters will allow you to refine your search and only keep the files that interest you.

In our example, we are going to add a search filter in the fields of the “Sir” civility campaign since these are the files that we want to exclude.
then click on “Search”

Filtre champ civilite mrs eng

All you have to do is select the lines you want and then choose from the action on the line checked at the bottom of the page: “Pause the records (System lock)”

Little tip: to avoid repeating the action on each page, increase the number of elements to display per page in the footer. This will allow you to display all your results on a single page and not repeat the manipulation.

Blocking will be indicated by a padlock at the end of each contact concerned.Cadenas

When your agents process the files, the blocked contacts will not be offered to them.

Make a selection of files to contact

This action allows you to select files according to personalized criteria and to pause all other files. As a result, only the files of your selection will be available for processing.

Initially, the procedure is the same.
In “Explore listings”, filter the listings you want to contact.
In our example, the search filter is based on the title “Madam” since these are the files that we wish to process.

Filtre champ civilite mme eng

On the other hand, in the action on the checked line at the bottom of the page you will choose “ONLY make these files available”

Blocking will be indicated by a padlock at the end of each contact concerned.

When your agents process the files, the blocked contacts will not be offered to them.

Unlock a record

To remove a blockage, return to the records exploration and display the “records locked by the system” in “Assignments and locks”

Filtre verrou eng

Select the cards using the check boxes then, in the action at the bottom of the page, select “Unlock cards”.
Unblocked files will go to wait to be processed.

For any questions, contact support.