How to know how many sheets have been added to a campaign

There are 2 methods for adding records to a prospecting campaign:

  • import a contact list using an excel file
  • manually create cards using the campaign's "Create card" action

At any time, you can know how many cards have been added in each campaign.

Campaign "View statistics" menu

You can have this information in the View statistics menu on a particular campaign.
Click on the icon at the end of the line on the list of campaigns to bring up the extended menu.

Camp voir stats

Then in this menu, you can have the information in the section Adding files in the campaign.


"Import history" tab

You can also find details of imported files and records created in a campaign in the Import history tab in the campaign administration menu.

Camp historique importation 1

This section can also be used to cancel / delete a bad import of files in a campaign.

See also page Undo file import

For any questions, contact support.