How to recycle completed sheets

When you have finished processing all the contact files in a prospecting file, you can reuse it for another mission, and therefore recycle it.

Recycling forms is the action that allows you to be able to call again forms that have already been processed and closed, without losing the data collected later.

Access to recycling of files is reserved for administrators of the web2contact account. For a user to access this functionality, you must activate the "Authorize to recycle records" right in the "Rights" tab of the "User management" menu.

How to recycle your contact cards

When a campaign is finished, you can find all closed records by clicking on the tag Done

Explorer done

The search filters allow you to select files according to the desired criteria.

Filters done

Select the records you want to recycle using the checkboxes at the beginning of the line.

Then in the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, choose "Recycle cards in the campaign" then "Apply".

When you return to campaign management, you will see that the recycled cards have changed to status Waiting

The history of previous calls & statuses are always visible in the card's history.

Explorer waiting

For any questions, contact the Support.