Why is a contact sheet no longer offered for prospecting

You know that a file opening is planned for one of your contacts (following a telephone appointment) but this is no longer offered by the system and it is impossible for you to call them back as planned.

Rest assured ! your file has not disappeared.

What is going on ?

When you create a telephone prospecting campaign, two parameters have a default value :

  • Maximum unreachable (default value 3)

Definition :
Maximum number of successive treatments authorized without obtaining contact persons. Once the number is reached, the file is automatically stopped and classified as unreachable by the system.

Example :
You call a contact 3 times without being able to reach them once, the form is stopped by the system and will no longer be offered for prospecting after the 3rd call.

- Call 1: busy
- Call 2: does not answer
- Call 3: answering machine


  • Maximum attempts (default 6)

Definition :
Maximum number of successive treatments without being able to qualify the file at the end of the prospecting (agreement, refusal). The interlocutor was either absent or did not have time. Once the number is reached, the form is automatically stopped and classified as unreachable.

Example :
You call a contact 6 times without succeeding in validating a prospecting closure status (agreement or refusal). The form is then stopped by the system and will no longer be offered for prospecting after the 6th call.

- Call 1: busy
- Call 2: does not answer
- Call 3: to call back later (the contact does not have time and requests a telephone appointment)
- Call 4: answering machine
- Call 5: to call back later (the contact does not have time and requests a telephone appointment)
- Call 6: does not answer

In these two situations, the contact cards have reached their opening limit; they are no longer offered for prospecting.

Values ​​3 and 6 are applied by default to avoid overly soliciting contacts by telephone, which can have a counterproductive effect on the telephone prospecting action.

How to change the default values ?

It is possible to change the values, or even disable them completely.

To modify the values, simply go to the advanced settings of the campaign concerned.
The limit values ​​for opening files will therefore be personalized for each campaign.

Max injoingnable

For any questions, contact the Support.