What do access rights mean

If you are the owner of the web2contact account, you have access to the entire platform, without limitation of rights.
But you can also allow targeted users to access certain menus based on their mission.
We explain here what each available right corresponds to.

Domain management

  • Access to warrant management module

This right gives access to the management of third-party number presentation mandates.

  • Allowed to view consumptions

This right gives access to monitoring consumption and adding additional credits.
More info: How to add credit

  • Access to user management module

This right gives access to the “Manage users” menu in the “Domain management” menu. User management allows you to access and modify user accounts (creating a new user is a separate right).
More info: Manage my users

  • Allowed to create new users

This right displays the “Add user” button in user management. This right requires access to the “Manage users” module.
More info: How to create a user

  • Access to team management module

This right gives access to the “Manage teams” menu in the “Domain management” menu. Team management allows you to create, modify, archive or delete teams and the rights relating to them.
More info: How to create a team

  • Managing email templates

This right gives access to the management of email templates in the “Settings” menu. The right includes the creation, modification and archiving of models.
More info: How to create and administer email templates


User Management

  • Access to agent history module

This right gives access to the “Reports and statistics” > “User connection” menu This report details agent connection/disconnection information as well as file opening information.

  • Access to my priority module

This right allows you to modify your priority by distribution queue, which makes it possible to regulate incoming calls according to the skills of the agents.
More info: How to manage distribution queue priorities

  • Record user's calls

This right allows you to record calls from a specific agent.
More info: How to record calls

  • Allowed to send text messages

In call scripts, you have the option to add a send SMS button. For this to work, you must authorize your agents to send SMS and check that your credit balance is positive.
More info: How to allow a user to send SMS

  • Set user to 'unavailable' on logout

This right prevents you from seeing agents connected to your statistics even though they are no longer present.
More info: How to automatically switch a user to “Unavailable” when they log out

  • Set user to 'Available' when he comes to homepage

When a user works on a file, their webphone automatically goes into the background. This action ensures that you do not forget to return to loan when the agent has finished his post-processing work.
More info: Why does my line automatically switch to standby


Campaigns management

  • Access the Exploit campaigns module

This right allows access to the campaign dashboard in “file chaining” mode.

  • Allow to Explore records

This right allows you to view all the files of a campaign

  • Access the Manage Campaigns module

This right allows access to the “Settings” > “Campaign management” menu. Access to this module includes creating a new campaign, creating, modifying and deleting existing campaigns and extracting campaign data.

  • Allow to create tickets

This right authorizes the creation of a new ticket or a new record in a campaign

  • Allow to recycle sheets

This right authorizes the recycling of files in the action menu of the file exploration.
More info: How to recycle completed forms

  • Authorize bulk modification of records

This right authorizes the modification of file fields in the action menu of the file exploration.

  • Allow to unlock sheets

This right allows you to remove all assignments and locks on the records.
More info: How to unlock a sheet or ticket

  • Allow to delete sheets

This right authorizes the deletion of campaign records. The deletion of records is permanent.

  • Allow to assign sheets to users

This right authorizes you to assign a file to another user.
More infos : How to assign a sheet to another user

  • Allow to duplicate sheets

This right authorizes you to create a duplicate of a file.

  • Allow to pause sheets

This right authorizes you to lock a selection of records.

  • Authorize to qualify sheets in bulk

This right allows you to put the same qualifier on several files in a single operation.
More info: How to qualify files or tickets in bulk

  • Allow to move tickets in other campaigns

This right allows you to move a ticket from one campaign to another and leave a comment.

  • Allow to manage appointments

This right authorizes access to the “Settings” > “Manage alerts/reminders” module, to view and delete scheduled alerts.

  • New form validation design


Manage incoming calls

  • Access to sounds & musics module

This right allows access to the “Settings” > “Sounds and music” menu to add, modify, delete or download sounds.
More info: How to import a sound

  • Access the Call Scenarios module

This right allows access to the "Settings" > "IVR & Call Scenarios" menu to modify, duplicate, archive or delete call scenarios.
More info: How to create a scenario to receive calls

  • Access to phone numbers management

This right allows access to the “Settings” > “Number management” menu to manage and archive telephone numbers and create short numbers.

  • Access to Queues module

This right allows access to the "Settings" > "Distribution queues" menu to create, modify, archive or delete distribution queues.
More info: How to create and configure a call distribution queue


Statistics management

  • Display reports and statistics menu

This right gives access to the “Campaign exploitation reports” & “Ticket exploitation reports” menus.

  • Access to campaign statistics module


  • Creation of automatic reports

This right allows you to generate an activity report which will be sent automatically by email. (This right is activated in addition to the “Show Reports and Statistics Menu” right)
More info: Generate an activity report

  • Access to call history module

This right gives access to the “My call history” menu in “Home”

  • Access the real-time module

This right gives access to the “Reports and statistics” > “Real time” menu. (This right is activated in addition to the “Show Reports and Statistics Menu” right)

  • Allowed to spy call

This right allows you to listen to a conversation in real time. Access to dual listening is on the real-time dashboard. Activation of the “Access the real-time module” right is therefore necessary.
More info: How to activate dual listening

  • Allow to manage user status

This right authorizes modifying the telephone status of agents in the real-time module. (This right is activated in addition to the “Show Reports and Statistics Menu” and “Access the real-time module” right)

  • Access to call records module

This right allows you to access the "Reports and statistics" > "Call recordings" menu and to listen to, download and send recordings by email. More info: How to access call recordings

  • Access to incoming statistics module

This right allows access to the "Reports and statistics" > "Incoming calls by distribution queue" and "Outgoing calls by campaign / agent" menus. (This right is activated in addition to the “Show Menu Reports and statistics” right)

  • Access to user statistics module


New features

  • Display the NEWS notifications icon

This right activates the information bell on the web2contact platform which notifies you of the latest news.

  • Allow access to new features menu

This right allows you to activate the tab containing access to the new web2contact features.
More info: Access new features

  • Add a profile photo