How to change the advanced settings of a prospecting campaign

Each prospecting campaign created can be fully personalized from the manager (administrator) account.

To do this, select the campaign you wish to configure, and expand the notched menu. Select "edit campaign", then the "advanced" tab.

Advanced camp


Details of advanced settings :



This field is used to set the priority level of the campaign when multi-campaign prospecting mode is enabled.


Start and end date of a campaign

Start end date

By default, no date is entered.

If you want your users to access a campaign from a fixed date, you can enter a campaign start date. Similarly, if your offer ends on a fixed date and you don't want your users to use this campaign after that date, you can enter an end date.

You have several possibilities to postpone the start or stop of a campaign via the archiving or the withdrawal of the teams working on it, for example. The advantage of this menu is that you can do it beforehand so as not to forget D-Day.

Maximum unreachable

Maxunreachable tries

After the number of attempts you define here, when the contact has not been reached, their card is automatically classified as "Unreachable".

Maximum attempts

Max tries

At the end of the number of attempts that you define here, no closure status could be recorded (the contact did not have time to respond), his file is automatically classified as "Unreachable".


Block duration

Lock duration

The blocking duration is the duration during which the form is put on standby between 2 non-blocking statuses, such as the answer of an answering machine for example. The duration is expressed in seconds and is 60 seconds by default.


Caller number

Call number

This section allows you to choose the number that will be displayed for outgoing calls from the campaign (this can be one of your numbers or a number that we offer to you).


Automatic pause

Automatic pause

Automatic withdrawal prevents an incoming call from being received when a prospecting file is open on the agent extension.


Appointments management

Appointment management

This function is used to suppress alerts during the final qualification of a sheet.

For more information : How to manage alerts

Sheet browsing

Sheet browsing

Allows authorization to the sheets exploration menu. The action will be active only on this campaign and on the users assigned to this campaign.

To remove the menu for exploring files on all campaigns, you must go through the management of user rights via the "Domain management" > "Manage users" menu.

In the "Rights" tab of the selected user, you must uncheck the right "Allow to explore files" in the paragraph "campaign management".

For more information : How to modify user rights 



This section allows you to enable or disable the recording of all campaign calls.

For more information : How do I access call recordings

Automatic dialing and hanging up

Auto diali

Autodial enables progressive mode. The progressive mode allows the automatic dialing of the number as soon as a card is raised by the system.

The automatic hang-up allows you to hang up the call when validating a form.


Administer campaign fields

On the next tab "Campaign fields", you will be able to manage the administration of the fields of a campaign and in particular

  • rename field titles
  • make a field editable or not
  • make a field visible or not
  • reorder the file

For more information : How do I administer campaign fields